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Using Vault activities, see how to increase your income or access to health care through work. You can also save files that are important when planning for work and benefits.
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Find Help
Ask a Michigan Benefit-to-Work (B2W) Coach your questions about work and benefits.
A B2W Coach can help you understand how Social Security disability benefits and other public benefits are impacted by work.
How Work Affects SSI and SSDI
- Contact a Benefits Planner
Call the Ticket to Work Help Line
- Contact your county human services agency
Call the Michigan Medicaid Beneficiary Helpline
Work Preparation
- Contact your Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) office
- Contact your Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) office
- Contact your Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Center
Veterans Benefits
- The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency at 1-800-MICH-VET
- VA's Detroit Regional Office
- Claims Reps & VSOs
- Find a Veteran Navigator
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