Programs That Support Work

Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS)

Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) can help you prepare for and find work. They can help you get the training or other services that you need to return to work, enter a new line of work, stay in the workforce, or enter the workforce for the first time. The vocational rehabilitation services MRS offers depend on your strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and interests. An MRS counselor works with you to figure these out and make a plan for reaching your work goals.

To become eligible for services from MRS, you must have a physical or mental disability that makes it difficult for you to find and keep a job. If you qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) based on your disability, you probably qualify for MRS.

MRS can be your service provider for the Ticket to Work program, or you may be eligible for MRS services without being in the Ticket program.

To learn more about MRS or to apply, contact your local MRS office or call 1-800-605-6722.

Note: If you get Ticket to Work services through MRS, after you are successfully employed for 90 days, your MRS case will usually be closed. When this happens, to keep getting ongoing support services, you must reassign your Ticket to an Employment Network.

The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP)

If you're blind or visually impaired, you can get the same types of services from the Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons.

Learn more about BSBP on DB101.

MRS Transition Services for Students

Students with disabilities who are 14-26 years old and in high school, college, or vocational or technical training may qualify for Pre-Employment Transition Services. There are five types of services:

  • Job exploration
  • Work-based-learning experience
  • Counseling on college or vocational training programs
  • Workplace readiness training
  • Self-advocacy training, including peer mentoring

You can get these transition services before or after applying for MRS services, but you must show both interest and need. To learn more, talk to your teacher, school counselor, school social worker, transition coordinator, or MRS counselor.

Other resources

Michigan Career & Technical Institute (MCTI)

MCTI is a residential educational center offering 13 different vocational and technical training programs with supportive services for Michigan residents with disabilities. It also offers

  • Medical and counseling services
  • Occupational therapy
  • Interpreters for deaf students
  • Classroom and job accommodations
  • Job placement services

The goal is to prepare for successful employment. Tuition and room and board in the dormitory may be free for eligible adults who have a physical or mental disability. Learn more about MCTI.

Talent Acquisition Portal (TAP)

TAP is a national website that helps connect people with disabilities looking for work with businesses looking to hire. It offers an online job application, online job fairs, and preliminary online interviews. It also offers tools to help you build a resume. If you are getting MRS services and want to post your resume in TAP, talk to your MRS counselor about how to get started.

Learn more